What to expect, and when to expect it (Hint: don’t set your watch)

So far I spent five minutes going live on WordPress and 105 minutes picking out a font. Background color? Agonizing. Theme? Changed it four times. Still not convinced it’s right yet. But alas, there are better things to do… Sometimes “good enough” has to be, well, good enough. So this is it for now.

I’ll be posting here periodically, and my goal is to make sure I don’t use this blog as a distraction away from my “real” writing, the way I use cleaning the kitchen (and honestly, you’d think it’d be spotless by now). Don’t expect cute dancing squirrels or creative icons sprinkled about that match my thinking, cause, really, who has time for that? Not me. I applaud those of you that do, though, and those of you that do it well.

There is *so* *much* great stuff out there it almost seems like a waste of time to try to recreate the wheel. I’ll be re-posting interesting stuff from other (mostly writer’s) blogs as I come across it, and make note of legit writing events and goings on as I hear of them. I’ll also have some posts of my own, like the ones I’m already doing over at The Picture Book Academy.  

Now off to revising my next chapter that’s due to my editor in two days. Sorry, kitchen, you’re gonna have to wait.